We do not personally vouch for the members of this website. The onus is on each individual to do their own screening.

JWed.com, an exclusively Jewish & marriage-minded service, is independently owned and operated by Frumster, Inc. and is not associated or affiliated in any way, shape, or form with either JDate.com or Spark Networks, Inc.

Eligibility Criteria

Updated Feb. 8, 2022

JWed is for Jewish singles who meet these selective criteria:

Authentically Jewish:
You must be born Jewish from your mother's side or have completed a universally-recognized conversion. A universally-recognized conversion is one which is accepted by all Jewish streams, including the reform, conservative, and orthodox movements.

Proselytizers from Jews for Jesus or similar organizations are not welcome even if they are authentically Jewish.

Legally Single:
If you are divorced, you must have a civil divorce and/or a Jewish divorce (get) if they are required. Not all circumstances require both and in some cases, neither is required. Separated individuals are not permitted to join until their divorce is complete.

You must be genuinely interested in and ready to get married in the near- to intermediate-term. If you are here just to have fun or for a "hook-up", you will be removed from the service and no refund will be issued.

* In addition, you must be honest in representing your Jewish background, especially those who represent themselves as 'orthodox'. If you represent yourself as 'orthodox', you must keep kosher and shabbat. If you do not keep kosher and shabbat, then please choose one of the non-orthodox options when registering.